Professional Web Developer with 11+ years of experiences
Tell me about your business, your goals, and your vision. Then i’ll build the solution that best suit your needs
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I enjoy working on backend software, from solving system arhitecture problems to diving deep into
smallest details in application.
My goal is to build a scalable product that works seamlessly and meet market need.
It's been a great pleasure building a beautifull user experiences that earn clients loyalty.
I enjoy every step of my jurney, learning all kind of crazy things...
Using cut edge technologies let's build life changing application and change a world for the better.
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2 years ago
composer-lock-diff package allows you to see what packages have changed after you run composer update by comparing composer.lock to the the git HEAD.
3 years ago
Draw horizontal line at TradingView chart: - 1% increase of current price - 1% decrese of current price
4 years ago
Do you need more than 500 image compressions per month with TinyPNG API?
4 years ago
Learn how to Build signed APK file with Android Studio
Do not waist time, do not waist money.
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